Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Set Free by Human Kindness

Original Watercolor - by Marcia
I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love;  I lifted the yoke from their neck and bent down to feed them. Hosea 11:4

Today, one of our leaders on the Cambodia trip sent us this verse. She sends us scripture and devotions every day as we prepare for our trip. Today, she reminds us that we will be those chords of human kindness to many we meet on our journey to and in Cambodia. This verse is very encouraging as I prepare and pack.

Seeing this verse makes me stop and think of all the people who were chords of human kindness for me over the years of my life. (That would be quite a story rope!) These are the people in my life who gave me grace, love, mercy, kindness when I may have not have deserved it or when I was flat on my face. They were giving me the gift of kindness to show God's love to me - even if they did not know it.  These kindnesses led to freedom from much of the bondages both internally and externally in my life. Some of those people remain in my life today as I work on remaining free from bondage, and they spur me on to do the same for others.

The last part of the verse is amazing to me. Not only does God set us free through human kindness and ties of love, but after He frees us, He feeds us - cares for us. When I think of my own life, I think of the times when I have been set free, but I needed care so I would not return to the same bondages. I imagine this is true in Cambodia as well - and I am thankful for the safe homes for the children who have been rescued from the bondage of the sex traffic industry.


  1. Marcia, this is incredibly insightful. Touches a cord deep down. "Cords of human kindness" exactly what your story ropes are!

  2. I love that - cords of human kindness...story ropes. Is this your artwork too, Marcia? Love it!

  3. Yes, I did that painting during worship when I returned to the USA. Thanks, ladies!
